[mass noun]a strong-smelling reddish-brown substance which is secreted by the male musk deer for scent-marking and is an important ingredient in perfumery 麝香
(亦作 musk plant)a relative of the monkey flower that was formerly cultivated for its musky perfume, which has been lost in the development of modern varieties 麝香溝酸漿
Genus Mimulus, family Scrophulariaceae: several species, in particular M. moschatus 溝酸漿屬,玄參科:數(shù)種,尤指麝香溝酸漿 ■(Austral.) (澳)。 見musk tree
late Middle English: from late Latin muscus, from Persian mu?k, perhaps from Sanskrit mu?ka 'scrotum'(because of the similarity in shape of a musk deer's musk bag)